Herschel Asset Management Ltd

互联网站: www.herschel.com
电话号码: 03 96314855
详细地址: Ground Floor 33 Exhibition St
市镇: 墨尔本
州区: VIC - 维多利亚州
邮政编码: 3000
网上地图: 查看大图
网站分类: Investment Services
AL No.LK11072-2987-198
Herschel is a privately held investment firm founded in 2001 and based in Melbourne, Australia.

We offer a range of investment-related products.

We also provide Investment-related services to clients. We are one of the few funds management firms in Australia to provide Individually Managed Accounts to institutional and private clients.

Our aim Is to protect and grow the capital of our clients. At 30 June 2007, the Firm actively managed over AUDS600 million in capital on behalf of individual, family, institutional, government and charitable clients. The Firm and key staff have invested meaningful amounts of proprietary capital In the Herschel funds.
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